September 29, 2023

The search for parks and walking trails is an on-going adventure in our new location. New Jersey, my former residence, boasts of these kinds of places to visit in the southern parts. I must confess, I presently feel a bit antsy because walking amidst natural environments is my go-to activity for various reasons. Since 2020, committing fully to walking in nature on a regular basis has proved beneficial on so many levels for not only myself but my daughter as... Read more

September 19, 2023

There’s a new week ahead and I have some important things to consider for my family. Consequently, I’m led to something special: childlike dependence for the days ahead. This is sometimes challenging because I’m a natural goal-setter, planner, and solution-finder. I can conjure up an agenda for something that needs to be done in minutes flat. But the difficult yet beautiful act of relinquishing control is a must. Allowing God to take the lead in my calendar, lists, and thoughts... Read more

September 12, 2023

If you can, find a quiet spot. Grab a notebook/journal and pen. Reflect on at least ONE takeaway from this post. Think about how you can apply it to your life. This post is also great to read aloud and discuss the topic of identity with your school age children. Individually or as a family, you can ponder the question: “Will You Believe Goliath or God?” Let’s get started. The Story 1 Samuel 17 tells the story of David’s battle with... Read more

September 5, 2023

My daughter and I recently decided to make a hot drink. With the fall season coming soon, we are convinced that it’s time for a Pumpkin Latte. OUR MOMENT After shopping for the necessary ingredients the day before, we decide to take on the new recipe before going to church on Sunday morning. The morning weather is fairly cool and crisp before the heat rises. The fall-inspired drink suits the mood nicely. I also imagine us making this drink in... Read more

September 1, 2023

There’s no shortage of “beginning of the month” mantras and positivity messages of taking the next best steps in our lives and families. Such inspiration may encourage us to remain balanced or be more organized. Perhaps we may seek to adopt the right attitude amidst the everyday chaos. Whatever the case, many of us will partake of our fair share of mindset motivation in the earlier parts of September. Taking the Next Best Steps – A Woman Named Ruth Consider... Read more

August 27, 2023

On a personal note, I’ve experienced loss. Surely, where I grieve matters. An example of why this is important is seen in the Book of Job. During a time of major suffering and loss, Job describes his friends as miserable comforters. God forbid I encounter such a tragedy on top of my existing one and am not grieving in the right places. Grieving – The Tools I Need I’m no stranger to the necessity of grieving a major loss of someone... Read more

August 22, 2023

There are times in one’s life where the reality of loneliness shows its face and sometimes lingers. Research identifies a variety of individuals at risk for loneliness. Some of them include young adults, mothers with young children, the elderly, and those working in certain careers. Whatever the specifics, the pangs of loneliness may seem to loom in your daily routines.   Loneliness in the Scriptures Repeatedly in the Bible, God identifies with humanity and connects with the loneliness of beings. The natural... Read more

August 14, 2023

You know well the make-up and dynamics of your family. Some might relate to being a boy mom or special needs parent. Others might identify with being a single parent, newlywed couple, or blended family. While some may be adoptive parents or empty nesters. You may realize that other families are the exact opposite of your particular one. And this is certainly okay. Our world will continue to reflect this reality while also benefiting from it.  Examples of family diversity is... Read more

August 12, 2023

I’d been casually surfing my YouTube Feed and saw an advertisement of a product sampling from a reputable kitchen ware company I admired. I was elated. Anyone who knows me well understands my love of all things food and cooking. The bonus was that my 9-year old daughter loves cooking just as much as I do. I’d recently had to leave all of my kitchen ware behind in a recent move and thought that the free product sampling would serve... Read more

August 11, 2023

Have you ever felt like your family journey just didn’t measure up? It may seem like the endless cycle of suffering and dysfunction is a constant reality in your life. If you or someone you know can relate, keep reading. Then Elimelech died, and Naomi was left with her two sons. The two sons married Moabite women. One married a woman named Orpah, and the other a woman named Ruth. But about ten years later, both Mahlon and Kilion died.... Read more

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